Alters List
here's the list of us Alters (25 currently), it explains a bit about each of us and is a good place to start getting to know each of us. also, almost all Alters have a separate "About Me" listed just below their name, which is written by that Alter specifically, and is on a separate page so that Alter can have their own page to give you a general idea of who they are, however some have made their own personal site at "" replacing "Alter" with their name, which is linked on their personal page and below their name here so they have their own space, entirely separate from this site, with their own design.
next to their name is their pronouns (if non normative) & their primary role in the system (all roles listed below), as well as their association because our system's members all associate with some thing, or element, or feeling, or whatever it may be, and sometimes a couple of these, and that thing or feeling that they associate with really defines them and who they are, which will be listed for each Alter that found what they associate with, and how they relate to it through an analogy in the format of "aligned thing, aligned thing 2; way of association", before their general description just below.
we have also linked some things to this site when we mention some specific things, such as Alter Roles, so you can click those links to understand some more if you want, but that's not needed.
we have two Subsystems, or Sub-Sys for short (essentially a system inside a system), one of which is in a separate part of the Inner World. we call them Mythos Subsystem. for organization and simplicity, Alters that are a part of this will have it noted under their name in smaller text. it's not important, just for organization, as they're a member of the system, like the rest of us, just in a different part of the Inner World. the other Sub-Sys is Arizarick, a dark triad Sub-System who is rather new and is one Alter in the IW, with no separate part of the IW that we can access. due to the connections of the dark triad and the fluidity of their switches, they function as one Alter and thus, most often go by simply, Arizarick, an amalgam of the names of the three Alters (Arisa, Azari, Derrick) that are in the Sub-Sys.
Here is a table of contents to refer to to jump to each Alter's general description
Host, Trauma Holder - About Me - Personal Site
per is usually well rounded, good at a lot of things, has decent people skills, despite communication difficulties, but more easily affected by emotional pain, holds pain/trauma. adapts per personality to anyone we meet by a small amount, almost all due in part to per BPD. per is the Alter you’ll see out the most - per has a defense mechanism that is linked to our fight or flight response which consists of mirroring (because of the BPD) the emotionless, and cold behaviours per has observed in some people in our life. triggered by more major things, and seeing people per cares about get hurt, or sudden and aggressive sounds, typically those that are very high-pitched (due to Autism) - is mentally approximately 22 years old on average, but can act a bit immature at times, and more mature at others.
Middle, Trauma Holder - About Me
child, young, very sensitive to pain and will often call Zonarshi or Zeross for help, holds trauma/pain - is triggered by loud noises, is more affected by the C-PTSD from the trauma they hold, is very sensitive to being attacked for any reason - was born after an extremely traumatizing specific period of time shortly after Zonarshi and Zeross being born (close times of them being born ties in to why they’re so close) - precise mental age will not be provided for her safety, as she is still a Little Alter (child mental age).
Arkasa - Imperfections, Love; Deep Connection - Inner Circle Protector
Inner Circle Protector, Persecutor - About Me - Personal Site
very military, very tough, seems to be a bit emotionless or have a very hard shell, and sometimes lets her composure down with people she trusts, though she doesn't allow herself to do this with nearly anyone - seems to also be very hard to earn the respect & trust of - is an introject of Vespie/Vespidcrown, an ex friend of ours, along with some traits from Alex Danvers from the TV show Supergirl, but has since source separated from Vespie as Vespie is no longer in our life - was born in June of 2022 from something medical related, paired with tons of other life stress, seems to have triggered her to split off Sari & Zonarshi somehow - 22 years old
Celtaris - Pink;Lover Of It - Inner World Courier
Inner World Courier - About Me
Celtaris appeared after a friend of ours killed herself, she is an introject of said friend, Winter AKA Leah. she is scholarly and sophisticated and loves pink - approximately 29 years old
Non-Human (Shapeshifter), Supporter, Clarissa's Protector as Co-Host - About Me
Parallax formed from Winter's suicide, and other life stresses, and is the first distinctly non-human Alter, one is very kind and caring, and dislikes fronting due to the body being human (obviously) and often hangs around the Inner World being a friend, talking to people, and working on the system and friendships within it - Shapeshifter, typically takes form of a snake. one is a supporter and protector, and very closely bonded with Aleena - approximately 24 years old
Pisha - Light; Fascination With It - System Internal Therapist
Internal Supporter, Caretaker - About Me
caring, supporter, very soft and sensitive to emotional pain, both in the system, and in others, especially those we care about - usually claims support duties - is triggered by people attacking her in their right mind, meaning if they're not upset and just lashing out from their emotions - was born after trauma, memories, and other things piled up after time, appeared after a major breakdown due to all that pain one day - is approximately 27 or 28 years old
Polaris - Guidance; Life Purpose - Guardian, Soother
Guardian, Soother - About Me
very kind, caring, calm. Is the first fictive in the system (fictives are Alters that represent fictional characters for one reason or another). Is based off Polaris from the game “Control” by Remedy Entertainment. Follows the same role as the character in game - to be a sort of guide, and help us as a system, primarily aid whoever is in control (Aleena: using "in control" instead of "fronting" here is a relic of when we were a younger system, but it's left here as a reminder of our progress) at the time, and is a soother who can drop our heart rate and give the sensation of a weighted blanket. has the system role of Guardian, and can pause system votes for up to 1 week, regardless of result, and help clearer heads prevail, and will often guide Alters that lose their way back to themselves, and who they are, and will do the same for friends while fronting - existed but also didn’t exist for a matter of months before fully existing in the Inner World - rarely fronts - Ageless.
Sarah - Motherliness, Instincts; Deep Connection - Runs Starlight Cafe
Internal Self Helper, sort of Protector/Caretaker, gives advice
has 2 sides similar to Aleena, one is her true self, one a façade defense mechanism; one is motherly and caring, and her façade is a bad bitch who will take no shit from anyone - defends people she cares about, is sensitive in a caring way, will get aggressive if needed, and can be very aggressive, but is much more calm compared to most, and has an extensive amount of self control. - is triggered by people she cares about getting hurt - was born after we lost many friends (harshly abandoned) in a few months - doesn't front and runs a cafe in the Inner World with Seeshana - approximately 22-24 years old
Sari - Sex; Goddess/Master Of It - Sexual Protector
Sexual Protector - About Me - Personal Site
slut (self proclaimed and actual), is a very southern soundin', bitchy, highly flirtatious, mischievous, and kind woman. Good at romance, flirting, and getting into relationships and starting things like that. Very feminine, and can act like a bit of a diva at times (if she wants). Is caring for anyone and everyone she is attracted to, and is also overprotective over people she’s had in bed. very good at lewd stuff and the like - was born after we were traumatized due to an NSFW sort of situation while Aleena was in control (refer to Aleena for story/memories if per’s comfortable) - is approximately 25 years old
Non-Human (Dwarf)
Is part of Mythos Subsystem
not much is known about her - is approximately 20 years old - is an Alter of a Subsystem we have that we call Mythos System
Seeshana - Runs Starlight Cafe
Internal Self Helper, sort of Protector/Caretaker, gives advice
is sensitive, sweet, and nice, caring and motherly too. Is the romantic housewife essentially (can cook, do chores, etc), is a factive of our chosen family sister Sikonia, and doesn't front, but runs a cafe in the Inner World with Sarah - is triggered by any sort of conflict - was born after our chosen family sister Sikonia faked her death (refer to Aleena, Sarshi, or Seeshana for story if they're comfortable) - is approximately 27 years old
Shadow - Aleena's Protector
Non-Human (Dragon), Aleena's Protector as Host
female version introject of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon, very sweet, can take human form as only form of shapeshifting
Clarissa - Co-Host
Split off of Zurakta when he was reformed as a result of his changes. very sweet, Aleena's sister, they have a mental link so they share most memories thanks to Douvar - 22 mental age
Arizarick - Existentialism, The Unknown; Master Of Them - Dark Triad Incarnate Sub-Sys, Final Option Protector
Sub-System, Final Option Protector
Arizarick is a sub-system that has a singular Alter, and no separate Inner World, and they're the dark triad, psychopathy (Azari), narcissism (Derrick), and machiavellianism (Arisa) incarnate. they have an extreme lack of empathy, and extremely rarely care about living things and do not see them as living things, more like autonomous objects, however those they care for, they are extremely protective of, as are most Protectors in our system. they are our Final Option Protector, someone to use when we truly have nothing else to do, nothing left to give, a last resort, such as an apocalypse, a cataclysmic event, anarchy, the purge, any number of theoretical scenarios where there is literally no other Alter that would be effective in handling the situation. they are generally rather calm but have a rather short fuse. be careful around them, but respect them. - approximately 25 mental age
Non-Human (Elf)
is part of Mythos Subsystem
not much is known about him - somewhere over 25 years old - is an Alter of a Subsystem we have that we call Mythos System
Zurakta / ZSA - Exploits; Master of them - Exploitation Protector
Master Of Exploits - Protector (Exploits, by us or others, in and outside of system) - About Me
multiple-introject of many horrible people, primarily Hitler. source separated and reformed however. now a master of exploits and healed persecutor. still finding his true self - approximately 53 years old mentally
Protector (Harsh, Emergency) - About Me - Personal Site
can be very violent and aggressive, likes Alia like a daughter and protects other Alters no matter what, is damn near impossible to mentally and/or emotionally hurt, is best at conflict and fighting and is extremely tough, will typically come out to defend the system if needed, or if he wants to come out. he can also be calm and very respectful which is how he is most times - triggered by disrespect because of his honor - was born a very long time ago - is approximately 35 years old
Protector (Near Emotionless, Cold, Harsh) - About Me - Personal Site
appeared after a friend of ours killed herself, Winter. is typically neutral, but can be uncaring and aggressive/mean while protecting the system. is generally just chill and calm, with minimal emotions. keeps an eye on the system, and occasionally fronts to kill time or whatever it wants to do, or if needed to act as our social protector, and protect us from people who are toxic or horrible for us, or manipulative, if Aleena can't deal with said person - Voidshiftive - approximately 27 years old
Arias is a no nonsense chill supporter/gatekeeper - no triggers known - approximately 22 years old - is the main Alter of a Subsystem we have that we call Mythos System for organization.
Douvar - Positivity; Master/Lover Of It - Gatekeeper & Archivist
Protector (Behind The Scenes), Gatekeeper, Archivist Of Memories - About Me
very happy go lucky person, loves jokes, loves trying to make new ones, very funny and happy. disappeared for a long time in the Inner World and remains hiding away most of the time - dryagender - triggered by people hurting the system - was born after a very specific and very private traumatic event, very rarely fronts, usually when people weaponise their trauma or at complete random - approximately 23 years old.
Zedich - Secondary Gatekeeper
Zedich is a rather new Alter and gatekeeper in the system and trained with Douvar to become a full Gatekeeper, and now they are also dating - mental age is around 23 years old
Dream - Dreams; God/Master Of them - Architect & Master Of Dreams
Architect, Master Of Dreams - About Me
Dream is an Introject Fictive of Dream Of The Endless from The Sandman on Netflix, very much like their source, but different in their own ways. Dream is the Architect for our system, and can help guide/control major changes to the Inner World, should the brain cause them. there is a copy of The Dreaming in the Inner World, at a separate part of it which Dream rules over. takes care of our dreams if we fall asleep in the Inner World (only Inner World, not while fronting). Also handles Fragments and most persecutor reform and any Alters that are deemed "too dangerous" to be on the primary planet of our Inner World until they get better - mental age is adult & endless
Kalshin - They/Them - Fanciness, Distinction;Lover Of Them, Master Of Them - Autism Symptom Holder, Master Archivist
Autism Symptom Holder, Archivist/Memory Library Herald - About Me
little awkward, but kind, embodies the more “random” and “chaotic” nature and impulsiveness of our Autism, has good manners, and would be our go to for a fancy or higher-end party/event (banquet, fundraiser, or charity event for example), is good at dancing and keeping busy and killing time, very easily overstimulated, but can handle fronting for short amounts of time - is triggered by conflict that is uncalled for (friendly discourse is ok, or not knowing you did something wrong) - is upset/annoyed by people dumbing down things and treating them as if they’re stupid or hurting them on purpose - was born after having hurt a lot of people we care for during covid (world stress was most likely a factor) and was born because of that and mental health declining - approximately 27 years old
Guardian, Internal Helper, Slight Trauma Holder, Protector (Great Insight, Reads People, Calm, Cold) - About Me - Personal Site
calm, controlled and behaved, keeps us calm and takes over if we need to chill, or if we haven’t switched, really comes out for a lot of reasons, comes out abruptly, is the most calming, helps Pisha support people on occasion, is extremely insightful and best at communicating and seeing things in others - is triggered by problems among other Alters and/or friends and/or people we care about - was the second to exist after Aleena as far as we know - is approximately 20 years old
Zeross - they/them - Soother, Internal Support, Caretaker
Soother, Internal Protector, Caretaker - About Me
an old Alter that returned after a long time of being fused with Zonarshi without most of the system knowing, who split again once Zonarshi tried pushing away the parts of him that were Zeross. takes care of Alia, and is also a soother in the Inner World, and helps protect us internally from internal chaos and system problems such as fighting between Alters, and helps resolve them.
Extra Notes
Order of who was born/brought into existence within the system (oldest to newest, not 100% accurate) is Aleena / Sarshi (they came from the initial ego states), ZSA, Zonarshi, Zeross (Zonarshi's Sibling), Douvar, Alia (Zonarshi & Zeross Fused), Pisha, Sari, Shadow, multiple year gap during which ZSA & Shadow went dormant, Seeshana, Sarah, Kalshin, Polaris, Parallax, Arkasa, Alixian & Celtaris (same time), Arias, Raflese & Scalisi (same time), Dream, Zeross Returns, ZSA & Shadow return, Clarissa, Arizarick, Zedich.
These are rough descriptions, and don’t fully cover who each of us is, because we primarily let other Alters edit our description based on what they see, so these are more objective, albeit a little less “full”, both for objectiveness, and ease of reading and keeping it short. though as stated at the top, some Alters will have their own personally written bio/about me linked next to their name, which shows who they are more fully, on their terms, and some have a personal site which is them, full and uncensored, on their terms.
Feel free to refer back to this anytime when an Alter fronts that you want a bit of info on, just let them know you checked here prior to talking if you mention something from here
hello again mysterious person. have a fun fact for your stalking efforts.
HITMAN, the video game series has it's main character, Agent 47 tattooed with a barcode on the back of his head for security shit, and so players wanted to know where the fuck it went. fun fact, it leads to dicks. fake dicks, but still dicks. i'm not joking, but i wish i was