Hi! I'm Aleena Cocanee. I'm the Host of Nebula System, and the creator of this site (message me if you want to learn). you can usually find me fronting, playing Video Games, watching Netflix, or Youtube, or some other random thing. i am a Neawoman, Sapphic Transbian (it's a lot ik lol), i go by Per/Perself, and am Lesbian as fuck. you may be asking yourself "what does lesbian as fuck mean?" well, it means that i have a lot of gay memes, any pretty girl makes my heart beat a little faster & makes me smile, but if they're gay they make it drop to the floor, & beat twice as fast lol (more info at the bottom of the page hehe). also the image here is a picrew that roughly captures who i see myself as, and is similar to what i look like in the Inner World
cute, someone likes finding these i see!!! i also see you have an interest in me, and well, i'm flattered, but don't go too far with this, because it can actually get creepy if you go too far. just saying, however please feel free to keep looking for these hidden things
as for who i am in general, i have the perfect sentence to describe and sum me up: weed smoking godless goddess heathen chaotic queer trans crazy girl. weed smoking because i use CBD for anxiety, godless goddess heathen because i follow LaVeyan Satanism, queer because, well, how is it not obvious? chaotic because, i mean, COME ON. trans because i am MTF, crazy because i am, well, a lil crazy between my mental disorders and such lol (one being BPD, and girl because, well, i'm a girl, but not always, i'm a Neawoman and so i always feel like a woman and connect with being a woman, but i also connect with just being this genderless thing, this, unknown entity, this person of some unknown origin, not a human exactly, not a normal person, just, a person, hence my per/perself pronouns.
that said, i'm one of the more complex Alters. i also use some alternate aliases for myself, which i will explain in depth on their own sites listed below, however those aliases are:
The Crimson One
i use this for D&D primarily and might use it elsewhere
this is my invincible goddes persona that i invented in the delusion, it makes me feel powerful, and deadly, and i use it in my fictional themed sites and i may use it elsewhere, and I made a separate site for this alias. it's the entire persona i made in the delusion, and includes my other aliases. note: this is NOT an Alter site, this is an Alias site.
also i hate capitalising my i's. i'm weird as fuck too and am overprotective as fuck. i typically care too much, and always put my friends at high priority, typically the highest. also please check out My Personal Site to learn more about me. also please check My Trigger List, at the bottom of the linked page.
also, one little side note relating to me being a lesbian hehe, if you like me or have a crush on me, i like bold girls who are confident, so go on, DM me, ask for my number, Signal, check Connections, whatever, flirt, and if and when you're ready, ask me out on a date or video chat date, depending if we know each other IRL. (PS: if you're closeted, don't jeopardize your safety and come out, just wait until you can come out safely and i say this bc i wanna be able to love my partner openly, that is a sacrifice i tried and failed to be alright with in previous relationships, hence said relationships ending)
also if you wanna know if you're my type, here's what i like: i like bold girls who aren't afraid to be forward, while still being very conscious of boundaries, that are deep thinkers, and want to think about the secrets of the universe, loopholes to things like the "3 wishes with a genie" problem, and other little quirk things. i like girls who want to self-improve constantly, to self psychoanalyse and plumb the depths of their mind and find out who they are, from skin deep, to who they are in their soul, and will be willing to open up and let me help them with that, and bond through it. i want that deep, true, sapphic kind of love, with all the cute stuff, all the fun, the love, the spiciness hehe, where i can truly show how much of a hopeless romantic i am. i want girls who will respect me, just as i respect them, but also not hesitate to tell me off if i fuck up, and expect the same from me, girls who aren't afraid to argue with me, even if it's how we end the day, and just say to one another "let's try again tomorrow", and do so, talk about it, because as long as we work on things, resolve things, talk about it, and come away from the argument with something, we can still accomplish things and have a wonderful relationship even if we fight sometimes. i want girls who will accept me and my system, and my BPD. now, if that all sounds like something you're not, i want you to ask yourself: why aren't you confident? why don't you self-improve and self-psychoanalyse? why don't you think deeply? ask yourself these things, because a lot of them you can be if you just put in effort, which, is part of being bold, and if you're asking yourself these things, that's self improvement. the trick is just not reading something like this and going "oh well i'm none of that so i have no chance" and giving up. be brave, don't self deprecate, because self deprecation is what drags you down, holds you back. have confidence. now if the reason you're not these things is because you're simply different, well then good, be yourself, as everyone should be.