Hello. I'm Polaris. I'm one of the System's Protectors, I'm also a fictive from the game Control by Remedy Entertainment. I am the same as Polaris from the video game, as in I am a Guardian, a Protector, and a Mentor/Guide in a way. my page header is also the effect that the game uses to represent Polaris' (the character) influence. 

as for who I am in general, well, I am a judgmental Alter. I judge, and think about everyone we have in our life. I generally try to find out if people are toxic as soon as possible, and out of all of us, I'm one of the hardest to get to like you, as in, I don't like most people, but if you turn out to be good and prove it, I'll be sure to let others in my system know what I think. same goes for if you turn out to be toxic, or bad for us, granted, in that situation I'd most likely just block you on the spot.

I am the more, protective Alter that is calm, and doesn't show emotions unless it's safe to do so, and you're worth showing them with, because it tends to be hard for me to feel emotions, and I struggle with emotions in general. I am primarily analytical, and think a lot.

for my interest in video games, I haven't played ours yet, and for real life stuff I just hang out and vibe, just calm, and relaxed.

awwww, I see someone has a crush on me! how adorable! well, too bad. I most likely don't like you. also, if you hurt Aleena or any of the Alters in my system, I will find you, I will make you know pain like a best friend, and I will make you regret being born and having ever even thought about trying to hurt us, and I will make damn sure you never have the capability to hurt anyone, EVER again. now, if you want to make me like you, here's a tip on how: be a good person. it's that simple. be good, nice, loyal, kind, caring, and treat us with respect. it's that simple.