Our Wishlist 

if you're here you either got the link and know us personally, or just found the page by chance (in which case feel free to ignore this page). if you don't have our address, either ask via the communication methods listed on the Connections page, or ignore this page entirely. it's here to make things easy for us and so we don't feel like we're pandering, we just offer the link if people want to know.

this will be another mass of clicky buttons that go to various things we want with a description of it and which Alter wants it if it's Alter-Specific as indicated by a signoff and singular referencing. outlined buttons that aren't solid are ones that are things we especially want or are especially important that we get and will likely buy ourselves at some point, but if we get it as a gift, we'll appreciate it all the more.

if someone buys us something, they'll get a shoutout below!

$360 or $560

Aleena: i want this drawing tablet so i can get better at drawing and have pressure levels of sensitivity and such on my PC, as it would make digital art way easier, as well as photo editing and other things. it'll also just be a useful display to use on my desk. 

extra note: it's a customizable bundle so the pen should be black top, blue and pink bottom, and the USB-C cable not the HDMI. also the 13 (higher price) or the 12 (lower price), but the 13 would have touch compatibility which would make it way more useful.


we want this as it would allow us to get into pentesting with a Kali Linux install which is a career we wanna pursue, and it'd replace our current phone (this is mostly here if someone wanted to give us money towards it, we don't expect anyone to buy it outright.)


we want this for our motorcycle helmet which will be great for our e-scooter.


this is a lockpicking set called the Covert Companion made by Covert Instruments and is a really cool lockpicking kit we want because lockpicking is cool


and this is an expansion set of turning tools that are a must-have if we're gonna carry the Covert Companion on us in our EDC kit, because the base model only has picks.


Aleena: this is a cool little game module thing for the Flipper Zero that i really want and would be awesome because it has a raspberry pi board built in, which those boards have MASSIVE capabilities


this is a universal foot pedal that'll work with out sewing machine and it's just here till we buy it ourselves


Aleena: this is a really cool head and eye tracker combo hardware that tracks both your head and eyes, and it's compatible with open source tracking implementations. i'd love it for immersion. they can also be found on eBay for ~$200 too, which is a much better price, and as long as it's not broken or blatantly damaged, i do not give half a fuck if something's bought secondhand for my birthday, hell, i'd prefer you to tell me the store too if it's something like a hidden gem thrift shop lmfao, i'll wanna shop there


this is a little SanDisk Micro-SD card that we want for our phone to store tons of photos, it's massive and the biggest we'd ever need, which is the point. we'd never have to upgrade it, and it'll have all our music, photos, etc on it.


we want this for our PC, as it'd be an upgrade, and a combo strip would make things easier and less complex

$33 - fine nib (tip)

Aleena: this is a really cool fountain pen that's from a good brand and i wanna get into them bc they require so little pressure to write with.


Aleena: this is a set of 6 colours of ink, and super cool

$80 - fine nib

Aleena: this is a really high quality fountain pen, much better than the other one, one i'll likely end up upgrading to if i get the other one and like it enough


Aleena: i want this for the 3D printer bc it's transparent and i could make a custom lampshade with it or something, and it also just plain looks cool.


we want this for our backpack for preparedness and also to have a power bank.


we want this for more account security in our online life and to keep stuff secure and solid. i also recommend you get one for yourself if you know how to use it


we want this one for the curtain behind our main PC monitor


we also want this tapestry to replace the curtain at the end of our bed.


Alixian: I want this because it's really fuckin cool and pairs nicely with my gas mask.


Aleena: i want this ring to replace my basic black one that i have now. size 10.


Aleena: and i want this necklace to go with my current one, the black one that i always wear.


Aleena: i want this shirt to replace some of my ones with fading designs that are falling apart. size large, colour black


Aleena: i also want this shirt to replace some old ones, and bc it's neat. size large, colour black


Aleena: and i want this one to replace old ones too and the polaroid vibes are awesome. size large, colour black


Aleena: oh and this shirt is awesome, really nice play on the "live laugh love" phrase. size large, colour black


Aleena: this one is also really simple and nice, and i love it.


Aleena: this one is really nice, and i love it, and want it as well. size large, colour black


Aleena: i want this SSD enclosure to go with the SSD right next to it so i can make a portable computer operating system install with Linux (you can do this, install the OS on the drive and then plug it into another PC and boot into the removable drive, basically a plug and play operating system)


Aleena: this is the SSD that goes with the enclosure. it's 1TB which is plenty big enough, and it's also way faster than i need, but that means i can repurpose it eventually if i want.


Aleena: i want this because it's a really cool bunch of filaments for our 3D printer which can produce some insane models


Aleena: i want this and the other coasters next to it because they're awesome. order of most to least liked is as follows: Linux, ASCII, Git, Python


Aleena: i want this and the other coasters next to it because they're awesome. order of most to least liked is as follows: Linux, ASCII, Git, Python


Aleena: i want this and the other coasters next to it because they're awesome. order of most to least liked is as follows: Linux, ASCII, Git, Python


Aleena: i want this and the other coasters next to it because they're awesome. order of most to least liked is as follows: Linux, ASCII, Git, Python

all that listed, if you don't know what to buy still, here's our gift cards & go-tos, stuff we'll always appreciate, and can be much cheaper than the rest of the stuff here

this just links to an ATM locator, and yeah, it's a basic gift, but it shows ya think of us as an adult, and appreciate the tangible things in life, so it's a compliment to us

this goes to visa's site, i don't expect to get any of these but hey, we'll see, it shows you understand we have a big digital presence and want us to get something relating to that

these are great because we can get ourselves a game we want, and we also get the Steam Points to spend on profile cosmetics on the platform

if it prompts where to send the gift, ask for our system email as that's the one the ebooks.com account is linked to.